Saturday, September 10, 2011


DATE: 10.09.2011
TIME: 10.36 A.M.
STATE OF MIND: Nostalgic

Special People, Special Deeds...

Sometimes in life there are few people you meet who change you completely. Be it for good or bad. But the change happens. But as rightly said ''Change is the only constant''. But i realised the only constant needs a series of elements to make it happen.

We often talk about it the affection attached to it, the tribulations we go through but if i wanna deduce or act as a reductionist here as far as  its few fundamental elements i get 12 major which can be sowed and nurtured to make it worth it. I know i sound quite mechanical but i just tried to be an honest observer and a keen learner so that i dont make the mistakes which i did '' to let go my precious bonds''.

People have various ways of putting it... i am just doing it my way. 





A good person close to me
asked me one day
“What if I broke
your trust someday..?”

I replied “trusting U
was my decision and
proving me right is
Ur choice.”












Great relationships are not only about understanding and love but also about the fights and differences and accepting it as part of the package. ( as quoted by somebody)
I am not somebody who would ponder much about relationships much, but met few in my life who has forced me in their loving ways to make me realise the importance of '' being in a great bonding''.

The above i have been taught by them is essential for the bonding to be alive.
Special thanks to those individuals who made the great little differences in my life for making me what i am today.


  1. this was a much awaited post...i have bn looking forward to it ..since quite some time ..and wondering ..why the delay ..
    Again u have touched ..the different aspects of bonding ..and its always lovely to read something..which is always on our mind ..but ..some how words fail to express ..
    If i gather ur 12 commandments..and name it as one ...i wud call it SHARING ..
    Isnt it al abt wat one shares ..with it any of the moods u have mentioned :) are few lines to explain...the importance of our 12 commandments
    "" if we share with someone on whom we depend
    that person is always a very true friend
    and what draws us closer and makes us all care
    is not what we have ...but the things we SHARE""...
    so ,,,a friend can b anyone...a parent..a sibling..a companion..the comfort zone that one enjoys with the person most important :)

    once again..a beautiful mirror ..on relationships .

  2. Maybe was going through sum mental block. so couldn't put words on the writing pad. Yes sharing is key. i am not very great with sharing. maybe only way or the best way i share is through my writing. so thanks for understanding. i feel sharing comes after lot of effort especially in my case. most people ask me why dont i share. i feel its a very spontaneous thing for me. it comes from within. cant do it as duty.i have to learn lot many things how to maintain a relationship. just starting the through the post wanted to convey my gratitude for people who have been a constant inspiration and friends wid all my odds.

  3. u cud have gathered sum words from dictionary and make the comment wid speech thakurain=))=)) . thanks:p

  4. You have as usual written about something as meaningful as relationships and bonding so beautifully....Abhi you the power of WORDS and SILENCE which you always use so well......

    We all are truly what we are because of the people who have walked into our lives and left us with memories and dreams both pleasant and maybe not so pleasant too....

    Awesome illustrations too !!!! You always leave a mark in whatever you do which is why I am so proud of you...

  5. Aunty, its always encouraging to see your comments as it gives me scope to improve. I always considered experience a key element in human growth. And definitely the words and the meaning you mentioned is kind of a learning graph for me. As pointed by you, yes words are my greatest buddies so quite often feel i am slave of my words but Silence has been my close confidante, my best buddy. Often misconstrued by others but silence has never left me alone. Maybe if i think deep insight, this post is also my silent admiration for those people who stood by me and been my pillars of strength. Thanks again :)

  6. Exquisite!so very beautiful abhi... every time i read your creations, you create a world different from this..i wonder if you mind's like the sea.... seems calm on the surface... but strange creature dwell within,a veil of uncertainty...

  7. i want to highlight few points...
    1)relationship- the real challenge is not to let go the other person for his/her good but to work it out for our good.decision should always b mutual n not one sided silent assumption.together v work it alone we just force it.(:P hope m making sence:P)
    2)patience- haha i take the entire credit of it :P since u accepted-v made u what u r 2day :P
    3).understanding- i always said that dada i dont understand u... n now i say"dada i dont understand u n its fine:P"
    4) RELATIONS ARE WORTH FIGHTING FOR BUT SOMETIMES U CANT BE THE ONLY ONE FIGHTING.very important to fight together...silence doesnt works everywhere.
    overall i just love it :Pthings wat u dont say ...ur blog speaks it out...dats the reason y i so desperately wait for ur post... n keep reminding u to update ur blog all the time :P

  8. Thanks@Anonymous.
    Wish i could know who is it???

  9. thanks jerry,
    likes when u say : overall i just love it :Pthings wat u dont say ...ur blog speaks it out...dats the reason y i so desperately wait for ur post... n keep reminding u to update ur blog all the time :P

    Yes it is true most of the things i dun say, i express it here. but try to give it a holistic over view.
    And i liked ur analysis and parallel drawn from our relationship with every emotions u mentioned lol
    Love u sister.

  10. one more thing... break ur silence i hate it :P...where individuality is concerned its ur biggest asset...but wen it comes to relation speaking up is important :P(just a view).

  11. for speaking or if i may say sharing, u have to read what adi said. she answered ur query there.

  12. wow!..its wonderful!

  13. relationship beget manifold ramification which in isolation cunt be felt until da need of another individual surface to give a complete meaning of relationship..........

    My observation to 12 commandments written by the author give full justification which conjure differences between two individual though in different identity having different needs and wants but still looking for single bondage

  14. @Rupsa
    yes it is true, in any relationship, involvement of two individuals are there. And when i say relationship i try to put in all kinds, named and unnamed. For me any kind of relationship is about the bonding of two individuals who met by destiny or there through birth and has various needs to fulfill and and live with. But i always felt there is another kind which is unnamed and need not be confined with certain tags. but still they exist in their own way. Most of the emotions i have felt is with them and also with the ones i know in my daily life. Life has come to full circle when i wrote this post.

  15. Pal, an excellent post, especially, these collated facts helps to recall the basic necessities of a relationship, which we often lose out in a run to fix up our chaotic life. At times, we undermine the fact that true happiness in a relationship lies in those simplistic moments and ways than the rush to make it orchestrated in a way which turns us busy enough to care the objective.
    Agree, people have various ways of putting it and liked the way you sketched it in here - someone may feel the sequence needs a rethought - but I feel - it's based on personal experience or it's not a deliberate sequencing from your part - take-away from this post is the 12 must-have points to ponder and care about to make relationship and life happier - in your words - "12 major which can be sowed and nurtured to make it worth it."
    Keep posting…

  16. @Sanjiv
    Thanks dude for the in depth analysis. though the sequence was not intentional but random. But yes i cud have spent sum more time to sequence it but again i guess all the 12 elements r key so i avoided. yes it was more of a personal experience which i guess can be universal as emotions r universal.
    Thanks again.

  17. Pleasure is all mine and rightly said "emotions r universal". I tried to mean - sequencing is hard to maintain for such topic; as an author - as it depends on the personal experiences of the reader and to sequence it accordingly - but the final flavor remains intact - as you scribbled here.
    Looking forward for more in here ...

  18. The encouraging words from the reader will always keep me on my toes to write more:)
    Appreciate the time and effort for jotting down your view.

  19. Relationship is very domineering reality of life. Without it we feel the lack of it and when we have to understand its real importance it becomes a distant reality.

  20. Am glad i stumbled into this space.....could be by default.....but yes happy that I did....beautiful collection....loved going through this post ...relationships are indeed complex and at the same time unique and special....God's gift to mankind that sometime we take for granted. I could add more to the 12 !!!

  21. @nitucorner

    Thanks for your comment. It's been long i visited my blog. but your comment made me revisit this post after almost 2 years. This is indeed one of the most heartfelt post i ever scribbled and collected. Thanks once again :P
