Tuesday, June 7, 2011

No love found...no love lost!!!

Ram wondered if she will ever love him back as she used to. He misses the lost smile and those deep stare between them. He tries to get busy at work thinking if he ever crosses her mind. Because when he sees his colleague fighting with his friend, misses her. When he sees the smile on his co colleagues face because this morning her closest friend hugged  at office gate just to make her day special...Ram thinks of her.

When was it, i said she means a lot to me and expressed my care for her. Been long. Ram thinks and gazes the park outside his work where two Lil kids playing and laughing. He misses those days where she would laugh all day with him.

Ram knows she means very special to him, his peace of mind, his punching bag. And sometimes substitute to his solitude. But still why the fights, conflicts, differences and sleep over with distaste. Maybe with her he can be himself, no forced put on. He knows she maybe angry but wont judge him. She might be upset but not detest him. She might be hurt but not leave him in his state of oblivion alone to struggle with his thoughts, she will be there always by his side as pillar strength as silent observer.

When he needs her she is there unconditionally, no question asked. When he needs her hug she would take along his hand and stand by him. She is indeed his companion to his self engaged entity. She is special, a friend he can vouch for life.
But why this forced barrier than. Why not communication. Why not letting her know his needs. He feels he cant say it because nothing left between them and of long silence between them. But again if he loves her that why not the effort.

Ram, my friend talk to her. Maybe what you feel, she might feel same and Lil communication would make it easy for both to ditch past troubles and differences and what u looking in others stays with u forever.

Give it a try. Look deep inside her eyes, feel her pain and embrace her back. Love is still in the air u just need to catch hold of it. You need her, as much she needs you.


Love which we often find around us sometimes is with us and we don't realize because we are blinded with right emotions in wrong situation and vice verse.

Get back your love.



  1. Beautiful piece !!! Tears kept rolling down....

  2. thanks@anonymous. i hope you follow it:p

  3. It is said, another name for true love is to sacrifice. Once again, you have wrote a master piece. Sometimes "it is better late than never". - Someone!

  4. @someone. I dun find love as sacrifice. I find love as name of respect understanding and trust. If all ds r thr one can take care of any obstacles. Though appreciate ur gesture and point of view.

  5. mr. ram has all the answers within ..he said it all...and to all..but ..not to his "seeta"..does she know ...how much ram misses her ...and if not thn why not? so, mr. ram ..u havent answered a lot whys..:)..agreed ..love is all abt respect ..trust..understanding ..care...but...shoud b spoken abt too ..and ..love is unconditional ...isnt it mr ram ?? so..her love will always remain ..
    As a reader...i wud like to know the story of the other side of the coin..thts is .."seeta's" side...an..insight of her mind...
    i m sure ..ram must b knowing abt it as well,
    only if he allows her ..to travel..in his mind ..and ..see....where all..she stays :) ...and at the same time tell us, readers, seeta,s story!!! //

  6. @adi, yes if thr is a ram, seeta is thr too. If ram has a story seeta too. Ram is all confined to his own bos of mind and maybe doesnt find the courage to tell seeta abt the feelings. I feel even seeta nt letting out. Thats why i said communication is key in any kind of relationship. Ram is nt gender specific can be anybody....

  7. hey abhi..
    you say a lot without saying it, leaving it to the imagination.another beautiful post by you..
    I can feel the love coming through...How so very beautiful love is… And think the longer it lasts the more beautiful it gets.here RAM's depth is immense..n yeah like adi said..does seeta know abt d immense depth...waiting for the next post abhi :) and keep up d good work..... cracku :P

  8. Hey cracku, thanks for your first comment. Hmm yes the other story needs to be told to... Am trying to find out myself. Maybe soon. Ram indeed loves her most. let the future keeps unfolding the journey of love. Shall keep updated when or whr i cross ram's path.

  9. different people have different interpretation to love...love ,relation is all abt the way u make it... along with respect,understanding,trust,sacrifice...its the complete belief n faith in the purity n honesty of the relation..which will make it even stronger after every hurdle...life is simple...its just v who love to make it complicated with our attitude,ego,negativity etc...
    so keep it simple silly :P ....

  10. @jerry, very well said. We do tend to make things complex. But again thats human. And yes perspective r subjective. You have put across ur thought straight and simple.

  11. Is this something that the writer just wants to write for his reader to read??? Or is it something that he wants to convey that is his within??? In my view... Ram owes this much to Seeta... to gather courage to tell what he is feeling.. how much she means to him?? Who knows maybe seeta feels some what the same...So..mr ram.. gather your guts and tell..before it gets really late.. :)..

  12. @annie, well dont know if ram has told her or not. even i feel its time to take a stand. so lets see ...

  13. The perception of the author contradicts of his over statement which when the symbolize with a very sentence"NO Love found no love lost" set and inbuilt paradox where readers get confused the ultimate version of love .

    The author gets allured by love but its totally confound that how to put.

    and again love is like fathom which never be defined,just feeling that is developed over time.

    mah personal request to author next time if u turning out wid such a charismatic name instead "RAM" and let ur" ex "being raunchy lyk "RAKHI SAWANT " who knows !!it might be help u out to retrieve ur guts and convey ur solemn feelings to her and everything will be smooth ....hope so!!!

  14. @rupsa, i can see ur love ram lol. u seem to disapprove ram's behaviour quite strongly. But i feel its important to understand ram's point of view as well. though me being the author also feel ram has this prob wid himself not able to convey thing in the right way. also the whole purpose maybe was not to confuse the reader or contradict. but again it is placed as the story can be. the dilemma and the suffering is almost mutual and we cant deny it.
