Sunday, October 3, 2010

Strange Morning!!!

This is my 3rd attempt to write something. Lot of things going in my mind. Wanted to take out the vented emotions and feel at peace. But everything i was trying to write every thought seem to be a distant blurred vision. Not getting words to express it.Suddenly feeling as if am lost in the ocean of words all jumbled. Words usually flow within me when i want to put it down. Memories freeze. Was waiting for this weekend to spend lot of time with people i care, wanted to sort out lot of confusions, misunderstanding. Looks like  am in the state of OBLIVION.

Shall Continue. Am confused:D

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tagore and Baul Tradition!!!

That is why, brother, I became a madcap baul.
no master I obey, nor injunctions, canons or custom.
now no men-made distinctions have any hold on me,
and I revel only in the gladness of my own welling love.
in love there's no separation, but commingling always.
so I rejoice in song and dance with each and all."
-- Rabindra Nath Tagore
The Hibbert Lecture, Oxford, 1930

The songs of the Bauls and their lifestyle influenced a large swath of Bengali culture, but nowhere did it leave its imprint more powerfully than in the work of Rabindranath Tagore, who talked of Bauls in a number of speeches in Europe in the 1930s. An essay based on these was compiled into his English book The Religion of Man:
The Bauls are an ancient group of wandering minstrels from Bengal, who believe in simplicity in life and love. They are similar to the Buddhists in their belief in a fulfillment which is reached by love's emancipating us from the dominance of self.
Where shall I meet him, the Man of my Heart?
He is lost to me and I seek him wandering from land to land.
I am listless for that moonrise of beauty,
which is to light my life,
which I long to see in the fullness of vision
in gladness of heart. [p.524]
The above is a translation of the famous Baul song by Gagan Harkara: Ami kothAy pAbo tAré, AmAr maner mAnush Jé ré. The following extract is a translation of another song:
My longing is to meet you in play of love, my Lover;
But this longing is not only mine, but also yours.
For your lips can have their smile, and your flute
its music, only in your delight in my love;
and therefore you importunate, even as I am.
The poet proudly says: 'Your flute could not have its music of beauty if your delight were not in my love. Your power is great—and there I am not equal to you—but it lies even in me to make you smile and if you and I never meet, then this play of love remains incomplete.'
The great distinguished people of the world do not know that these beggars—deprived of education, honour and wealth—can, in the pride of their souls, look down upon them as the unfortunate ones who are left on the shore for their worldly uses but whose life ever misses the touch of the Lover's arms.
This feeling that man is not a mere casual visitor at the palace-gate of the world, but the invited guest whose presence is needed to give the royal banquet its sole meaning, is not confined to any particular sect in India.
A large tradition in medieval devotional poetry from Rajasthan and other parts of India also bear the same message of unity in celestial and romantic love and that divine love can be fulfilled only through its human beloved.
Tagore's own compositions were powerfully influenced by Baul ideology. His music also bears the stamp of many Baul tunes. Other Bengali poets, such as Kazi Nazrul Islam, have also been influenced by Baul music and its message of non-sectarian devotion through love.

Courtesy: Wikepedia and other sources

Baul Music And Its Origin

Baul (Bengali: বাউল, Hindi: बाऊल) are a group of mystic minstrels from Bengal. Bauls constitute both a syncretic religious sect and a musical tradition.

The origin of the word is Baul is debated. Some modern scholars, like Shashibhusan Das Gupta have suggested that it may be derived either from Sanskrit word vatula, which means (divinely inspired) insanevyakula, which means impatiently eager and both of these derivations are consistent with the modern sense of the word, which denotes the inspired people with an ecstatic eagerness for a spiritual life, where a person can realise his union with the eternal beloved - the Moner Manush (the man of the heart). or from

Concepts and practices

Baul music celebrates celestial love, but does this in very earthy terms, as in declarations of love by the Baul for his boshTomi or lifemate. With such a liberal interpretation of love, it is only natural that Baul devotional music transcends religion and some of the most famous baul composers, such as Lalon Fakir, have been of Muslim faith. The famous Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore was greatly influenced and inspired by Bauls. Here is a famous Rabindrasangeet (Tagore song), heavily influenced by Baul theme:
AmAr prANer mAnuSh Achhé prANé
tAi heri tAye sakol khAne
Achhe shé nayōntArAy, Alōk-dhArAy, tAi nA hArAye--
ogo tAi dekhi tAye JethAy sethAy
tAkA-i Ami Jé dik-pAné

The man of my heart dwells inside me.
Everywhere I look, it is he.
In my every sight, in the sparkle of light
Oh, I can never lose him --
Here, there and everywhere,
Wherever I turn, he is right there!
Their religion is based on an expression of the body, which they call deho-sadhona and an expression of the mind, which they call mana-sadhona. Some of their rituals are kept mostly hidden from the mainstream, as they are thought[citation needed] to be repulsive by many, and hedonistic by others. They concentrate much of their mystic energies on the chaar-chand (bengali for four-moons), i.e. the four body fluids, on the nine-doors or naba-dwar, i.e. the openings of the body, prakriti which implies both the woman and the nature, and a control of breathing, known as domo-sadhona.

Bauls use a number of musical instruments to embellish their compositions. The "ektara" is a one-stringed “plucked drum” drone instrument, and by far the most common instrument used by a Baul singer. It is carved from the epicarp of a gourd, and made of bamboo and goatskin. Other commonly used musical instruments include the dotara, This is a long-necked fretless lute. While the name literally means “two stringed” it usually has four metal strings (steel or brass); the dugi, a small hand-held earthen drum; percussion instruments like dhol and khol; small cymbals called "kartal" and "mandira" and the bamboo flute.

Present status

Bauls are found in the Indian state of West Bengal and the country of Bangladesh. The Baul movement was at its peak in the 19th and early 20th centuries, but even today one comes across the occasional Baul with his Ektara (one-stringed musical instrument) and begging bowl, singing across the farflung villages of rural Bengal. Travelling in local trains and attending village fairs are good ways to encounter Bauls. Joydeb Mela,one of the biggest festivals for this cult of wandering minstrels is held in January at Kenduli in the Birbhum district, a four-day fest organised in memory of the poet Jayadeva. A large number of Bauls also come together to enthrall people with their music during Poush Mela, celebrated in Shantiniketan in West Bengal every year at the onset of the harvesting season.
There are also the Western Bauls in America and Europe under the spiritual direction of Lee Lozowick, a student of Yogi Ramsuratkumar. Their music is quite different (rock /gospel/ blues) but the essence of the spiritual practices of the East is well maintained.

Baul Fusion

Baul Fusion-Bolepur Bluez

gole male gole male pirit koro naa
piriti kanthaler atha — o atha lagle pore charbe naa

ek pirite shib soshan bashi
arek pirite gora holo noder nimai sonnashi
gitgobinda poddaboti -erai kabol koei jona

gole male gole male pirit koro naa
piriti kanthaler atha — o atha lagle pore charbe naa

piritir riti jano naa
korle pirit hoi biporit
pore ghotbe jontrona

o jamon chite gura pimpre porle
o pimpre norte chorte pare naa

o ekjon brambhon-r chale
seto emni khitkale
pirit kore dhob-r maye-r pa dhua khale

piritir jati-r bichar
korte gale
bhai re bhai milbe naa chand-r kona

Baul Meets Blues...Bolepur Bluez

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Over Rated Love!!!

1. Love is just an idea, with no real sense to it. But the whole world goes round and round with that simple idea. So idea can change your life and its meaning.

2. The moment of doubt is nothing but the sign to communicate, discuss and solve the reason for ever.

3. I don't know whats fake relationship, i don't know what is time pass, what i know is  2 individual building the bridge of communication.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cactwa Gave it :D

Visarjan and the idea behind it !!!

 Suddenly my sister asked me do i know the age old tradition and the concept of Visarjan. Well lemme give you the story behind the question she asked. Well my talkative sister is excited about this  Ganesh Puja. She stays in Mumbai and for the first time she went to visit the famous puja or murti of lalbaugcha raja for darshan and the destination took her 14 hrs (9am-11pm). I appreciate her effort. But what she got worried about after the visit is she forgot to ask for mannat (=))). We are not suppose to laugh people. Love you sis. Back to the story. Well she asked and as i dint know the concept was feeling bit ashamed. Me being a communication specialist( supposedly) dint know this simple idea or the tale behind Visarjan. Thanks to my sister's research she forwarded me this article which am posting on behalf of her. God Bless all!!!

CONCEPT BEHIND VISARJan (1/2)-- Hindus worship Brahman or the Supreme Soul present in all animate and inanimate. But for majority of the people it is not possible to worship this formlessness. They need a form to pray to, to seek help, to cry and to take blessings.Each person brings Ganesha in clay idol form into the home. This is the Supreme Being arriving at home. After the celebrations, it is time to accept the eternal cosmic law that which took form has to become formless again. It is a never ending cycle.Each year Ganesha arrives to teach us that forms change but the Supreme Truth remains the same. Body perishes but Brahman residing in it remains constant.The act also symbolizes the concept of Moksha.Moksha – freedom – no clinging, not even to gods.’

Thus we create Ganesha out of clay, worship it and later it is submerged (Visarjan)

Some corrections: 
Jerry: i dint visit lalbaugcha raja first time
M: ab likh diya maine
Jerry: i visit every yr
Jerry: but har saal short line mein khadi hoti thi... which wud get over in 3 hrs max
Jerry: this time i stood in mannat ka line
M: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
M: ok lemme edit
Jerry: normal line mein dur se darshan hote hai
Jerry: mannat ki line mein u get to go on stage n touch ganeshji ka feet 

(Now i know why she was so upset about not asking for the mannat, well after 14 hrs i think half ppl forget why they have come there)....Its Ok Jerry


Thursday, September 16, 2010











dont u thnk all these r priceless moments !!!!!!!


Friday, September 10, 2010

Jerry's Sketch And Abstract Emotions!!!

Beautiful Thought Shared!!! By Betu

I heard its said "don't get to bed while hanging on to sorrow"
You may not have the chance to laugh..with those u love , tomorrow
You may not mean the words you speak, when anger takes its toll
you may regret your action, once you have lost self control
when u have lost Ur temper and you have said some hurtful thing
Think about the heartache ...that your actions sometimes brings
you never get those moments back..such precious time to waste
And all because of things u said , in anger and in haste
so if you are loving someone and your pride has settled in
you may not have the chance to say to them again
" i love you and i miss you and although we don't agree
 i will try to see your point of view..please do the same for me "

Friday, September 3, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Country Side!!! Is Delhi Green ??

Through Life...

'' You may take it as my pride, my intelligence, my stupidity or arrogance. People without sense of humour bore me. And am blessed  enough to have people around who can laugh at themselves and myself.''

 ''Understanding a person,s point of view is as impt as respecting it.key to any relationship is to accept the difference and helping each other grow.''

""Sometimes u wonder what went wrong.....u look behind to see if u can make it right...but time is wrong and the moment is gone ....and u miss the purpose all over again "" 

 To Be Continued...


Antagonism Rectified!!! Music My Best Friend, Solitude My Soulmate.

 I don't know what it is to be without you,
  You share my love,
  You share my pain. 
I often feel the need to be with you, 
spend sometime, share my thoughts.
Stranger amidst crowd, 
thats what i see myself .
Am i psyched?? 
No you said...Holding my hand,
Making me meet my deep within. 

Met my soul mate through you...Solitude.
Music... You My Best Friend. 


Shades From Life..By Bitter!!!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thoughts Interwined!!!

9. " The strength of a woman must be something which we men can measure the most. We often don't express in words but always know within. On this day i better acknowledge the fact you are truly an inspiration in Ur own way." 
10. "Life doesn't make u or break u..its Ur own mentality that decides, never hesitate, never feel low .wear a smile n steal the show ""
11."Work for a cause n not for applause. live life to express n not to impress..don't strive to make Ur presence noticed ..just make Ur absence felt ""


Thoughts Interwined!!!

5. ""Togetherness is not only about being there for each other but to make other comfortable with space between them .Clinging to one another is not the only way of showing affection but to let the person being himself."

6. "" Friendship to me is about extending hand n saying even if i m wrong be there for me and wait till i m back to be right and hold Ur hand again.''

7. ""We always get into the complexities of life ...the ifs and buts...why cant we make it simple one with lot of effort put in to make every little moment a special one."

8. ""One is the real is manipulated, that makes me truthful all the time." 


Friday, August 27, 2010

Thought Interwined!!!

1. "Instead of using your anger as a weapon, use love as a motivator, don't deal, heal."
2. " We seem to b going through a period of nostalgia and we think yesterday was better than today.i don't think it was.i with advise you not to wait ten yrs before admitting today is great.pretend today is yesterday and just go out and have a hell of a time.''
3. "We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have but rather recognising and appreciating what we do have. "
4. "What i know is not only about loving but also be there for each other when worst is to be dealt with. Emotions mite b negative, expectations might be building , feelings may fade,memories mite haunt but what stays forever is the respect and understanding."


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


life is roller coaster
a beautiful experience
a journey...

come lets explore with..
dedication, love , caring, sharing ...
lets spread happiness all around...

why to b overshadowed by hatred when love can b simple solution,

why to fight or go for war
when peace is easy way out.
lets make it happen...

lets love , lets live
and let live...



Fly like a bird, without thinking of the horizon to reach....
Be patient like god who only answers but never questions...
Dance like peacock who spread the wings in the rain to make others happy and knowing no worries...
And stand like a man who sticks to his principles with few words.

- Morpheus
