Tuesday, July 26, 2011

They say men dont cry...its a mere lie

They say men don't cry
Its a mere lie!!!

What if you see one morning the pillow wet with his tears

What if there are his moments of weakness and he feels no one cares

What if his sultry eyes often speak more than he shares

What if his hands start shivering when he looses his dearest near

What if he dun show his angst very clear

What if he has given somebody his moment of closeness and cheer

They say men dun cry
Its a mere lie...


  1. Hmmmmmmm....
    Indeed it is a lie... we being human have every emotion within us... it’s just that men tend to shed their tears in silent.. which is the most hardest thing to do....

  2. Men dont cry ...and men dont feel the pain are two different things .Flow of tears is often related with hurt or pain ..and on very rare occasion ..when one laughs too hard .Well..biologically speaking ...females have more tear ducts thn males ..so..its an out let of emotions in females ..Does tht mean ...male doesnt feel the same ??? i dont think so..
    Tears r not always the way to express ..a man has other ways ..like ..his silence speaks a lot ..or sumtimes he vents out his anger .Tears alone dont make a person more human or down to earth ..but as a female ..i shud b able to understand ..those unshed tears ..which does not come out still can see them brimming at the corner of his eyes ...May b hold his hand and let him know...i m always there ..use my shoulders and let it out :)

  3. @kavi, sometimes men shout too :p
    @kavi, sometimes men shout too :p

  4. postin once more ..as i forgot to mention ...the anguish or the unshed tears ...take the shape of words...and beautiful verses,,,gives birth to a blessed writer...and we get to see that side of the personality ...of the person...which he otherwise hides in his silence :)

  5. hmmm... v r lucky v can express ourself thru various gestures
